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Premiere: Chloe’s World Look “Forward Into A Still Comfort”

Premiere Chloe's World Look Forward Into A Still Comfort

We last heard from Toronto/Wakefield, Quebec band Chloe’s World when we premiered their fantastic On A Straight LineSadly, due to a backup failure and my own drunken incompetence, that feature was lost to the Amazon Web Services ether. And so here we are with the premiere for their next single and accompanying video for Forward Into A Still Comfort.

Fusing their genre-bending skills with song structure, melody, and atmospheric experiments, Chloe’s World takes you through an unorthodox psychedelic ride where existential dread courses through you with the leaden weight of hideous laughter. With their pessimistic nature that’s focused on cultural cynicism, individual transparency/honesty, and some sort of metaphysical optimism – which is a silly because everyone and everything is garbage – the video follows the band with a playful nature that features transposed text. Like a simple guidebook to lead you through life’s many tumultuous and treacherous lessons. “At risk of sounding like I’m complaining, my mind is trapped inside of a prison/ I’ll never truly get what time is, and all my friends one day will vanish away into the next room,” they sing during the despondent, downtempo, and off-kilter first half. The second half swirls with the optimistic glimmer of guitars and horns and rapid camera shots that spin with a frenetic and carefree energy. Maybe we’ll be alright after this journey through the dark.

Watch the Jordann Murray and Ryan Brownrigg directed video, for what is ultimately an optimistic song, right here. Chloe’s World’s debut album, Sympathy For The Inanimate, is due in the coming months.

Connect: Soundcloud

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